The Perfect Question...
What is A Fly?
What is a fly? Is it merely a conglomeration of materials bound to a hook and designed to bamboozle a fish? Yes and no. For many, a tied fly is a commodity purchased so we can enjoy the sport and challenge of fly fishing. For others, through the art and craft of fly tying, a fly becomes a means by which they elevate their respective participation to a higher plane, which offers its own gratification. Some see it as an all-consuming religious pursuit requiring copious hours spent paying homage to the masters of yore through the meticulous study of their methods and techniques which then are manifested in glorious patterns likely never to see one drop of hydration. What follows is but a few samples of what denominations are available to those fitting the latter category of tiers:
The First Rotational Congregation of the Church of the Fly is an Anglerican denomination of Rotarians committed fully to the promotion of the benefits and techniques of tying flies in the true rotary fashion. Some believe Norm Norlander is the Prophet behind this particular movement although Guido and Guiseppi Mercedes-Benzetti may in fact be playing a much less significant role behind the scenes.
The Seven Day Apprentice church promotes the preservation and use of the venerable Thompson A vise. This church is very basic and really stresses old-school methods practiced daily throughout the week as a general form of education for those wishing to take up the craft as a future form of income. This church is often confused with the Seven Gay Apprentices which is actually a rogue band of fledgling interior decorators under the inspiration of the hit TV show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy".
Ron & Beth
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