Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Nor-Vise By Norlander

This is a great review on the Nor-Vise By Norlander
Take it from a Professional Fly Tier Danny Sauvageau, fly tier for 27 years.
Danny is the owner of Dan's Custom Saltwater Flies. He makes the highest quality flies you can find anywhere. He makes flies for top Pro Fishing Guides in Florida and has won many fly tying contest with his unique flies, and fly tying techniques. "The Nor-Vise by Norlander is the best vise I have ever used! I can use any vise that I want to and the NorVise beats them all easily. No other vise can do all that my Nor-Vise can do. I am very hard on my vise, and this vise has been through the test and still turning flies out by the thousands. I tie saltwater flies and really put this vise though a work out.
You can feel the craftsmanship of this vise the very first time you feel it." 100% AMERICAN MADE "Speed is very important to me, I need to have tools that can utilize my time so I can keep my prices down and my quality high. The "spinning" ( not just rotating, but Spinning ) action of this vise saves me time and I love the four positions that the vise lock into. It stops at an upright, upside down, and at 90* each way, so you can tie you fly upright, turn it upside down, of lay it on either of it's sides to get very accurate flies.
The Nor-Vise is a true rotary designed and built to last the serious tier several lifetimes. Unlike other rotary vices, the Nor-Vise does more than simply rotate the fly for convenience. It applies rotary motion and can spin the hook to provide a unique tying method. Once you tie flies on the NorVise, you'll wonder how you ever did without it.
* Brain-child of professional engineer Norm Norlander, the Nor-Vise blends space-age aluminum and stainless steel with old-time American craftsmanship. It looks and feels right.
* The bearings are rated for 10,000 hours at 6,000 RPM - so it should last awhile.
* Using precision-machined offset stainless steel jaws, the Nor-Vise any size fly hook from 6/0 to 28 so tightly you can bend it like a pretzel. The jaws position the hook so its shank lies in the centerline of rotation.
* Using the Nor-Vise's unique rotary motion and working with the thread post supplied, you can build up hard-to-tie fly patterns quickly, without resorting to endless half-hitches to secure your materials.
* Many experienced users say that the Nor-Vise is better for dubbing than anything they've ever seen. The vise's rotary motion lets you spin all kinds of dubbing materials directly to the tying thread without the use of excessive bad language, dubbing wax of forming a thread loop.
* Like a spinning wheel, the Nor-Vise allows you to vary the amount, shape and the texture of the dubbing. Forming neatly tapered fly bodies is a snap.
* Lead wire spins onto the hook with no overlaps in half the time you could do with the old-fashioned vices.
* Delicate bode materials like peacock herl can be easily entwined with the working thread to make the toughest neatest flies you've ever handled.
Happy Tying

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