Monday, July 10, 2006

Fly Vise

Perhaps the most important tool you’ll use in fly tying is the fly vise. If you look in fly fishing magazines, you’ll have an opportunity to seeplenty of advertisements for lots of different fly vises. It can getconfusing just trying to sort out the features you need from the ones theysay you need. So, what’s the bottom line? What features are important ina fly vise?
First, a good fly vise must hold a variety of hook sizes and shapessecurely. It isn’t enough to hold just a few sizes or shapes well, it musthold them all. If the vise won’t do that, don’t buy it. That’s the mostbasic and important requirement.
The jaws of the vise must be positioned or be able to be positioned at anangle that allows you to tie flies of various sizes with it. Some viseshave jaws that are too big to use with a variety of hooks. Others don’thave the jaws positioned at an angle that allows the tyer to work withsmall hooks.
Look for a vise that has jaws positioned at an angle that allows you towork around and with the smallest hooks you might someday use. That mightbe size 28, so check to see if the vise will hold this size hook securelywhile allowing complete access to the main length of the hook shank.

Choosing the right vise is very important. Take your time.
Ron & Beth

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Fly Fishing Camp For Free

Hey Kids...Do you want to go to Camp for Free?

Fly Fishing & Tying Journal and the Fly shop in Redding , CA want to send you.

Fishcamp is a 4-night, 5 day fly fishing adventure at Antelope Creek Lodge in the shadows of beautiful Mt. Shasta in Northern California. Antelope Creek is the home of the Fly Shop's Kids Camp and Fly Fishing Schools.

You will learn fishing techiques and strategies, basic bugs trout like to eat, safe wading, fly cast and reading the water. In the evenings you will learn how to tie and create your own flys. There will be stories and s'mores by the campfire.

If this sounds like fun to you...all you need to do is write a 100 word essay on why you want to go to Fishcamp. The staff will pick two winners and each winner will get their photograph and essay published in the magazine, which is read around the world. How cool is that?

FTJ & The Fly shop provide accommodations, meals, and equipment. You will need to bring clothes, sleeping bag and transportation to the camp.

Send your essay to:
Flyfishing & Tying Journal
PO Box 82112
Portland, Oregon 97282

Any questions you can call Dave Eng or Julie DeLorto at 1-800-541-9498

Fish camp is for boys and girls ages 10 - 15. This prize is worth $750.00.

Good Luck!
Ron & Beth