Thursday, August 10, 2006

Northwest Fly Patterns & Tying Guide

"The charm of fishing is that it is elusive but attainable. A perpetual series of occasions for hope." - John Buchan

by Rainland Fly Casters
Frank Amato Publications, Inc.
Portland, OR, 2002
83 pages, softbound
illustrated, color
suggested price $29.95
reviewed by Bruce E. Harang

If you fish, or are interested in fishing, the Pacific Northwest this book will provide you with a sound selection of flies to help bring success. Written by members of the fly-fishing club located in Astoria, Oregon these folks know the Pacific Northwest fly fishing scene as well as anyone can.

The book is divided into seven chapters by fly type. These include dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, terrestrials, streamers, and saltwater flies. Each chapter starts with a short discussion of the type of fly and how to fish them, followed by a selection of fly patterns having both an excellent photo and concise recipe. The writing and editing are superb. The photos by Jim Schollmeyer, Rick Newton and Frank Amato are of excellent high quality. The selection will provide the fly fisherman with a winning box of flies for anywhere in the area from the salt to the varied lakes and streams. It is a first rate regional fly pattern book. This selection includes many patterns developed in the area by local fly fishermen, such as Lee Clark’s Stonefly, Henry Hoffman’s Chickabou Crayfish and Articulated Leech, and Colleen Hansen’s 4th of July Shad Fly

But the best part, and the part that sets it on a plane by itself is the last chapter called appropriately enough “Club Members’ Favorite Flies”. This very personal section written by top-flight fly tyers and fly fishermen of the Club provides a wonderful insight and personal relationship between the reader and the authors. Some of these folks are well known in the fly-fishing area, others are only well known to their local peers, but everyone one of them is both very knowledgeable and very willing to share their hard-earned knowledge with any reader willing to learn.

This book is well done, has valuable information, and the personal insights of some of the most knowledgeable fly tyers and fly fishermen in the area. If you are interested in learning about the flies that really catch fish in the Pacific Northwest this is a must have book.

I hope that you enjoy the book!

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